Buying $FLY

This section will show how to buy $FLY off the open market. There are two methods shown, searching for the token as a Whitelisted token on Trader Joe and adding the token as a custom token to be used on any dex.

Trader Joe

  1. Search FLY

  2. Select the market option for FLY/AVAX

  3. Ensure you see the FLY/AVAX pairing on the Trade page.

  4. Enter the amount of $AVAX you'd like to use to buy $FLY, or change to a different token.

Buying $FLY Using the Token Address

  1. Go to or the desired dex.

  2. The default buying window should be present.

  3. Select the dropdown for the 'To' coin.

  4. Paste in the $FLY contract address:


  5. Select $FLY.

    • You may also be able to click the 'Add' link here to add the token to your wallet.

  6. Confirm you have selected the $FLY, and you are ready to trade.

  7. You may also alter the URL link with the correct token address link:

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